Wasantha Senanayake warns of 50 Turkish ‘FETO’ terrorists in Sri Lamka

The Turkish Embassy had warned Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry that they had information suggesting that 50 Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETO) members were in Sri Lanka, said the State Foreign Minister at the time Wasantha Senanayake.

Senanayake told the media that the Turkish Ambassador had followed up this warning on two occasions in 2017 and 2018 and he had faxed the relevant details to the Defence Ministry on two occasions.

He said that the Defence Ministry had notified the Foreign Ministry in writing that they would investigate the matter, adding that thereafter the issue falls under the purview of the Security Council.

Senanayake said that even prior to his appointment as the State Foreign Minister he was aware that the Turkish Embassy had issued such a warning, adding that a complete list of the terrorists names and passport numbers had also been given to the Foreign Ministry,.

He revealed to the media that as the government had failed to follow up on this matter, the Turkish Ambassador Tunca Ozcuhadar had gone to the Defence Ministry, but due to the mediation of two Muslim politicians the investigations were stalled, the Defence Ministry had notified the Turkish Ambassador.

The Turkish Ambassador had said that he had been waning the Sri Lankan Government of this threat since 2015.

Ambassador Tunca Ozcuhadar had said that there is a large number of Turkish FETO members engaged in education and business ventures in Sri Lanka and all their details had been handed over to the Sri Lankan Government.

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