Sports Ministry unable to offer cash reward for Vidusha’s medal

The Sports Ministry stated that they would not be able to offer Vidusha Lakshani, who won the bronze medal in the triple jump at the 23rd Asian Athletics Championships held in Doha Qatar.

They said that while it is a practice to offer cash rewards to sports men and women who win medals at international meets, the Asian Athletics Championships is not included in this category.

This is the only medal won by Sri Lanka at this Asian Athletics Championship.

Sports critics note that 43 sports men and women had participated in this championship from Sri Lanka and the only medal won should be considered as the only opportunity for Sri Lanka at any other championship after the Asian Championship.

They had proposed that Vidusha be awarded a cash prize for her achievement, adding that it is the duty of the Sri Lanka Athletics Association to recognise her achievement and commend her for it.

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