Presidential candidate Welgama: Maithri will not seek term clarification

If Gotabhaya Rajapaksa cannot get presidential candidacy, talks are underway to nominate Kumara Welgama as the presidential candidate from the SLPP, it is reported.

Some sections of the SLPP are of the view that if Maithripala Sirisena contests the presidential election, the SLPP should contest independently.

The SLPP had been notified that the  main party in parliament is also  supportive of Kumara Welgama.

The SLPP leaders are of the view that Welgama should be nominated as the common candidate.

After the New Year the Joint Opposition leaders are expected to discuss this matter with the President.

Welgama is also a relative of the Rajapaksa family.

Maithri’s term

MP Thilanga Sumathipala said that neither President Maithripala Sirisena nor the SLFP have taken steps to seek Supreme Court clarification regarding the President’s term in office.

He said although several persons within the party are  keen to seek clarification regarding the President’s term, the President has so far not made any statement regarding it.

Sumathipala said that certain parties are wanting to seek this clarification as they are keen to go for a General election by postponing the Presidential election, adding that only the Supreme Court can determine if the President’s term ends on January 08 or May 15th.  

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