UNP-MPs publicly clash over district leadership!

Serious clashes have erupted between the UNP-MPs over the appointing of Chairpersons to the District Development Coordination Committees, according to Sirikotha Headquarters sources.

The reason for these clashes is that certain ministers who are bound to face defeat at the next General election, have been pressuring the UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to appoint them as Chairmen of the District Development Coordination Committees.
Under these circumstances, Minister Vajira Abeywardena noted that so far no one has been nominated for these District Development Coordination Committees Chairmanships and sent to the District Secretaries, adding that he is waiting until the recommendations of the Prime Minister is received.

Meanwhile, the UNP backbenchers have requested Prime Minister Wickremesinghe to appoint the most powerful UNP Ministers to the posts of District Development Coordination Committees representing the districts, as this is an election year. They had made this suggestion as if a regular person is appointed to the post of Chairman of the District Development Coordination Committee, the government officers do not respect or take notice of them.

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