Lawyers of UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe have filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a Fuller Bench to hear Mahinda Rajapaksa's appeal against the interim order given by the Court of Appeal barring him and the cabinet from functioning.
Meanwhile, another motion has been filed in the Supreme Court by
the UNP to consider the fact that Justice Eva Wanasundara and Mahinda Rajapaksa being close friends when constituting new justices to the Bench.
The Court of Appeal on December 3 issued an Interim Order restraining the functioning of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
Then Mahinda Rajapaksa’s lawyers filed an appeal in Supreme Court challenging the Court of Appeal’s interim Order. On Wednesday (12) the Supreme Court (SC) fixed for support on December 14 the appeal filed against the Interim Order.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday (12) the Court of Appeal overruled the Preliminary Objections raised by the respondents on the non-compliance of the Court ruling on a technical issue fixed the petition for argument on January 16, 17 and 18 next year and directed the respondents to file their objections on or before December 28 and the petitioner to file counter objections on or before January 4. (Shehan Chamika Silva)