Stating that there is a possibility of a quick end to the present political crisis in the country, UNP MP Ajith P. Perera yesterday said his party has had discussions with SLFP and with some in SLPP.
“We have been talking to various political parties,” he said while
adding that it would be a welcome move if President Maithripala Sirisena had expressed positive sentiments. He was actually referring to a statement that have been made by MP John Amaratunga that there has been positive response from President when he met him recently.
However, he said the party will have to settle matters in the streets on December 17, 2018, if President does not act positively to resolve the crisis. He said what UNP intends doing on December 17 is a Jana Bala Mehevuma at Galle Face Green. “We will reveal what we will do in Galle Face on that day,” he said.
UNP MP Harshana Rajakaruna said the GCE Ordinary Level paper of 2016 was presented to courts as an evidence. This social studies paper he said asks a question on the powers which the President has to dissolve Parliament and the correct answer according to the marking scheme was that it could be done only when Parliament completes four and a half years of its term and also if a motion is passed in the House with a two thirds majority, calling for such a move. (Yohan Perera)