It has been reported that Faraz Shauketaly, a prominent media figure of Sri Lanka has flown to South Korea in search of the fugitive Arjun Mahendran, the former Centrak Bank Governor and now a main accused party of the controversial bond scam. Amidst many institutions intiated for the sole purpose of unveiling the truth behind the bond scam, the vigour in which Shauketaly operates is truly noteworthy. At a time when the Sri Lankan Police had also failed to locate the whereabouts of Mahendran, Faraz Shauketaly has put his life at stake to bring about justice by unveiling the most massive financial fraud occured in the history of Sri Lanka. Shauekataly also hopes to make a special disclosure on the important reasons that led to interrupt the investigation process carried out on the bond scam, enabling Mahendran to make his escape from the country.