PRECIFAC Report - English, Tamil translations tabled in House

English and Tamil translations of the report submitted by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Serious Acts of Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power, State Resources and Privileges (PRECIFAC) was tabled in parliament yesterday.

Both government and opposition members have asked in parliament
why the debate on the PCoI and PRECIFAC reports were being delayed.

The debates on these reports were to be taken up in Parliament on February 20 but postponed indefinitely because of the non-availability of the English and Tamil translations of the PRECIFAC report.

The reports were tabled in Parliament on January 23.

PCoI report was tabled in English while the PRECIFAC report was tabled in Sinhala. However, according to Standing Orders, the reports must be in all three languages if they are to be taken up for debate.

Party leaders had agreed to hold the debate if they were available in English as well but the PRECIFAC report was not available in English and this resulted in the postponement. (Ajith Siriwardana)


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